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Smart Speakers: The Hidden Home Security Risk That May Surprise You

Living in the Internet of Things (IoT) era means homes are becoming more accessible and comfortable; however, with these advances, the complexity and scope of potential threats to home security have also grown. One device raising eyebrows within the security industry is the 'smart speaker,' such as Amazon...

Power and Network Backup Solutions: Essential for a Reliable Home Security

Guaranteeing Uninterrupted Power for Your Security Systems Keeping your home security system working efficiently at all times requires an understanding of various power and network backup solutions. Options abound, from uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for short-term emergencies to integrated generators and solar power systems for more extended power outages. Uninterruptible...

Firearms in Home Security: The Hidden Consequences You Need to Know

Understanding the Constraints of Using Firearms for Home Security Firearms may provide an additional layer of home security. However, it's crucial to understand the pitfalls of relying solely on them. Several challenges make it improbable for firearms to serve as a comprehensive security solution:  Handling Stress-Fuelled Situations  When...

The Need for Flock Safety: A Community Must-Have

Homeowners Associations exist to protect and enhance the quality of living in communities. They maintain common areas, enforce deed restrictions, and implement measures to ensure community safety. While the measures adopted differ vastly from one HOA to another, one security upgrade every community should insist their HOA invest in is...

Fortress Blueprint: The Ultimate Home Security Guide (2023)

Welcome to Fortress Blueprint by Home Defense Institute, your guide to home security in 2023! We're here to help you protect your home with the latest defense strategies.  Learn about crucial areas such as securing doors and windows, understanding criminal tactics, improving garage security, and comprehending modern lock...

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